The World Is Yours」,又讓我想到了一張很久沒有拿出來聽的唱片,「
Gloria - The sacred music of John Rutter」
John Rutter何許人也?英國作曲家及合唱指揮是也!
The Cambridge Singers 這個有名的合唱團體也是他創立的。
「The Cambridge Singers are a mixed-voice chamber choir, formed in 1981 by their director John Rutter for the express purpose of making recordings. 」
John Rutter
wiki 英文,資料較詳細。
約翰·盧特 wiki 中文
約翰·米爾福德·盧特,CBE(John Milford Rutter,1945年9月24日-),英國作曲家及
合唱指揮,擅長處理大型聖樂合唱作品,曾編寫多首聖樂作品,包括《榮耀頌》(Gloria)、《安魂曲》(Requiem)、《大地好風光》(For the Beauty of the Earth)、《一切美麗光明物》(All Things Bright and Beautiful)等。
這張「Gloria 榮耀頌」專輯內,我覺得最好聽的就是For the beauty of the Earth。
BEST- For the beauty of the Earth
For the Beauty of the Earth - John Rutter
Saint Paul Cathedral Choir: For the Beauty of the Earth
- For the beauty of the earth
- For the glory of the skies,
- For the love which from our birth
- Over and around us lies:
- Refrain:
- 'Lord of all, to Thee we raise
- this our joyful hymn of praise.
- Alternative refrain:
- Christ, our God, to Thee we raise
- This, our sacrifice of praise.
- For the beauty of each hour
- Of the day and of the night,
- Hill and vale and tree and flow'r
- Sun and Moon and stars of light
- Refrain
- For the joy of human love,
- Brother, sister, parent, child.
- Friends on earth and friends above
- For all gentle thoughts and mild.
- Refrain
- For each perfect gift of Thine
- To our race so freely given.
- Graces human and divine
- Flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n.
- Refrain
- Alternative last verse:
- For thy church that evermore
- Lifteth holy hands above,
- Offering up on every shore
- Her pure sacrifice of love.
- Refrain
同一張專輯還有一首很好聽的歌,All Things Bright and Beautiful
All Things Bright and Beautiful (John Rutter)
Hayley Westenra - All Things Bright and Beautiful (live)
這張專輯內還有一首The Load bless you and keep you,就是因為當年合唱團有唱過這一首,才會注意到這張專輯。
The Lord Bless You and Keep You (John Rutter)
The Lord Bless You And Keep You - Westminster Abbey Choir
The choir of Westminster Abbey sing John Rutter's wonderful The Lord Bless You And Keep You during a service to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
西敏寺Westminster Abbey 官網
最近一次受人注意的活動就是William and Kate 的緍禮,John Rutter
this is the day」
「Featuring John Rutter’s celebratory royal wedding anthem This is the day, written for the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey in 2011. 」
Royal wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton choose popular hymns
this is the day - John Rutter
這種歌還是要在大教堂唱、聽才對味! Westminster Abbey的內部真是大啊!這段可選高畫質觀看。
John Rutter: This is the Day - Music on Royal Occasions
John Rutter關於這首歌的訪問,可以看看他長什麼樣子。
John Rutter: A Song in Season
在不同的環境下,真的會孕育出不同的創作,John Rutter的創作真的很適合在教堂演唱。
最後,再來一首John Rutter的look at the world
Look at the World - John Rutter
Collegium Records